3 Questions About Teeth Discoloration And Whitening

3 December 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

There's a lot of misinformation about teeth discoloration out there, which explains why people are often confused about why their teeth become stained and how it can be fixed. Here are some common questions you may have about your discolored teeth and the whitening procedure to correct it.

How Do Teeth Become Discolored?

One thing about teeth discoloration that people get wrong is that they assume their their teeth are stained based on the foods that they eat. While the foods you eat have something to do with discoloration, what you see on your teeth is not necessarily a stain. Most stains are removed when brushing your teeth each day and by visiting a dentist for a cleaning. What is causing your teeth to look yellow is when the protective layer of enamel breaks down and exposes the dentin underneath, and since dentin is yellow, it looks like your teeth are discolored.

The best thing that you can do to avoid having yellow teeth is to stay away from acidic drinks, like sodas. Even switching to a clear soda is not going to prevent stains, because the acidic nature of the drink is still going to eat away at the enamel. In addition, be careful about how you brush your teeth, since brushing that is too vigorous can cause damage to your protective layer of enamel and create lasting damage.

Do At-Home Teeth Whitening Products Work?

The problem with many whitening products you can buy over the counter is that they are only good at removing surface stains on the teeth. Unfortunately, over-the-counter whitening products work in a very abrasive way, and while they may remove surface stains, they can cause even more damage. The at-home solutions are not going to change the yellow appearance of dentin, which a professional whitening solution is going to do. Changing the color of your dentin to appear less yellow is going to give you long-lasting results that are quite effective.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Teeth Whitening?

Meet with your dentist for a consultation about if you will be a good candidate for teeth whitening based on the damage that has been caused. There are situations where people have very sensitive teeth, and your dentist might not recommend the procedure because it can make the teeth feel even more sensitive. You not only want your teeth to look good, but they should feel good too.

Get in touch with a clinic such as Pinon Hills Dental for more information.
