How to Keep Your Invisalign Retainers Clean

21 November 2014
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When you go to the dentist, they instruct you on how to keep your teeth clean and fresh  It is equally important to keep your Invisalign retainers clean and fresh. Invisalign allows you to straighten your teeth without the need to wear braces. You never have to go without eating popcorn or eating a chewy caramel because you can take the retainers out in order to eat. 

The downside is that they can get a film on them from plaque, become smelly, get discolored and feel dirty. Here are some great ways to thoroughly clean your Invisalign retainers using products that you can find at home.

Brush Your Teeth     

Before you put your Invisalign retainer in your mouth, be sure that your teeth have been brushed and are free from plaque. It is a good idea to floss and rinse as well. Removing as much food particles and left behind debris from eating will keep your retainer fresher for longer periods of time. Any food trapped in your retainer could cause it to discolor as well. If you can't brush, try to rinse thoroughly with water before putting your retainers back in.   


You can soak your retainer in white distilled vinegar mixed with warm water for a half hour.  When you take it out of the liquid, be sure to gently brush it with an extra soft toothbrush and rinse it well.  If you don't rinse it well enough, you may go about your day tasting the vinegar.  The vinegar will kill some of the germs that build up throughout the day. 


If your retainer has an odor, combine ½ cup mouthwash and ½ cup water and soak your retainer for a few minutes.  This will kill some of the bacteria that causes odor.  Only soak your retainer in this mouthwash and water mixture occasionally.  The alcohol in the mouthwash could damage it if you do it often. 

Hydrogen Peroxide      

Hydrogen peroxide will also kill bacteria that cause odors on your retainer. Mix ½ cup peroxide and ½ cup water and let your retainer soak for a half hour. This will not remove any plaque buildup on your retainer, but it will be fresher and will not smell. 

Denture Tablets     

If you are in desperate need to soak your retainer, a denture tablet is not recommended for use every day. Once in a while you may choose to soak it in a cup of warm water with one denture tablet. This will definitely make your retainer fresher, but it could cause damage and discoloration after repeated use. 

Other Tips    

In order to keep your Invisalign retainer clean, here are some other helpful tips:

  • Never eat or drink while you are wearing your retainer.
  • Always rinse the retainer as soon as you take it out. 
  • Store it in water if possible. This will keep the plaque and saliva from drying on the retainer and you'll keep the bacteria from actively growing. 

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that is meant to be invisible. Keeping your retainers clean and free from debris keeps them from being noticed. After your Invisalign treatment is over, you'll have perfectly straight and beautiful teeth, and no one will have ever known you were wearing them. Get more tips from clinics such as Sunshine Dentistry.
