Protect Your Oral Health During Pregnancy

18 December 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When you're carrying a child, managing your health is important. Don't forget to also properly manage your oral health needs. Pregnancy can increase your risk of certain oral conditions, and for woman already dealing with dental concerns, pregnancy can sometimes exacerbate these problems. Learn how to keep your mouth happy and healthy throughout your pregnancy.

Get A Check-Up

Even if it's not time for your regular check-up, consider going to the dentist once you find out you're expecting. This is especially important when it comes to women who are dealing with oral conditions like gingivitis. Pregnancy can sometimes make gingivitis worse.

This isn't just damaging when it comes to your oral health, but women who suffer from gum disease are also at an increased risk for pre-term birth and having a baby with a low birth weight. Going to the doctor at the start of your pregnancy will allow your dental provider to assist you with better managing your condition.

Be Prepared For Morning Sickness

A number of women are forced to deal with the unpleasantness of morning sickness at some point during their pregnancy. If your morning sickness is accompanied by vomiting, make sure you are taking the necessary steps to protect your teeth. When you vomit, the acid from your stomach ends up in your mouth where it can start eating away at your teeth, causing a problem known as tooth erosion.

After you vomit, don't brush your teeth right away as this will only damage your enamel even more. Instead, swish a mixture of water and baking soda in your mouth to help neutralize the acid and protect your teeth.

Eat Well

Your baby's teeth will begin to develop long before they make their entrance into the world. By eight weeks of pregnancy, the tooth buds for their baby teeth will begin to form and at 20 weeks, the buds for their permanent teeth begin developing. You want to ensure you are passing along sufficient nutrients to your baby so that they oral health has a solid start.

As tempting as it might be, trade those sweet and starchy food cravings for foods that are rich in phosphorous, calcium, protein and vitamins, A, C and D. Cheese, raw vegetables and fruits, and yogurt are all great choices to incorporate.  

Make sure you are committing to great oral health during your pregnancy to protect your health as well as the health of your baby. To learn more, speak with a dentist like Dr. Sudharani V Chary.
