Five Reasons To Get A Dental Implant

27 February 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you had a tooth knocked out or had to have a tooth removed, your dentist has probably recommended having that tooth replaced with an implant. Made from metal and ceramic, dental implants are a very durable, reliable tooth replacement option. Even though they can be costly, they are very much worth it and offer a number of benefits for patients -- including the following.

Enhanced Comfort

You probably find yourself poking your tongue into the hole left by your missing tooth. You may even feel some discomfort as the neighboring teeth next to the gap start to shift. A dental implant will feel natural, so your tongue won't be drawn to the space. An implant will also enhance your comfort by keeping your other teeth from shifting.

A Nice Appearance

Missing a tooth can really wreak havoc on your self-esteem. You may not want others to see you smile, and you might feel like your beauty has been stolen. A dental implant, thankfully, looks exactly like a normal tooth. Once it is in place, you can smile with confidence and feel like a million bucks, whether headed to the office or out on the town. 

Healthier Bone

Each tooth is anchored into your jaw bone by a ligament. Through the ligament, the tooth stimulates the jaw bone, which keeps the bone strong. So when you lose a tooth, the jaw bone around the tooth suffers. It might start to look sunken in, and it may stop offering support for the nearby teeth. An implant will solve this problem. Implants stimulate the jaw bone the same way a normal tooth would. This will keep your bone strong and healthy so you are less prone to that sunken-in look and to subsequent tooth damage.

Easier Eating

Biting into an apple, for example, can be tough when you're missing a tooth. Plus, you might end up with food stuck in and around your tooth gap. A dental implant, however, can make eating easier. Once you heal from implant surgery, it will be just like eating with a normal tooth. You can enjoy all of your favorite foods, from gummy bears to crunchy nuts.

Improved Speech

You don't realize how much your teeth affect your speech until you lose one! You might find it tough to make certain sounds. Thankfully, dental implants can correct for this issue; you'll talk just like you did before your tooth fell out.

For more information, contact companies like A Q Denture Services.
