What You'll Need To Expect Once You Are Given Invisalign

27 June 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you have decided that you are ready to have the alignment of your teeth straightened out and you want to use Invisalign in order to do that, you will need to know just what it is that you should expect during the time you use them. This will help to ensure that you are getting the best use out of this form of dental treatment and that you are not going to experience many problems.

There Will Still Be A Need For Adjustments

When you have the metal braces, you have to periodically return every couple of months to have the metal wires tightened and other things adjusted to ensure that your teeth are going to be pulled in the right direction and on schedule. You also have to go back to the dentist a lot in order to get a newly made plastic Invisalign to start using because it cannot be adjusted. You will need a brand new one every few weeks to ensure that your teeth will continue to keep moving as desired.

You Cannot Eat With Them In

You will have to remove your Invisalign each and every time you want to eat something. If you attempt to chew with it in, you could cause them to break, which will cost you money to have them replaced. This is something that you will want to keep in mind if you are someone that likes to eat out a lot. Since you have to keep the Invisalign device in your mouth for the majority of the day, you will need to wear them right up to when you are ready to eat. 

You could always then excuse yourself to the restroom, remove the Invisalign plate, and store it in a proper storage container until you are finished with your meal. Also, you cannot drink anything other than water while wearing the Invisalign. Drinking anything else can cause staining or even damage to the plastic, especially if the drink is hot.

You Must Keep Your Teeth Brushed And Flossed

It is important to make sure that you are not skipping out on the brushing or flossing of your teeth during this treatment. You will need to remove the Invisalign whenever you go to clean your teeth, which should be done when you wake up and before bed. Also, it is important to make sure that you are brushing your brush after each meal and before putting the Invisalign back in.

Talk with a dental office like Eberting Orthodontics about other things that you will need to know so you can be as prepared as possible. 
