Dental Services That Help You Avoid Tooth Loss

8 September 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

People may neglect their dental visits because of busy schedules or other priorities. However, dental services can help ensure that you keep your natural teeth as long as possible.

Here are a few dental applications that help you avoid tooth loss.

Scaling and Root Planing

Periodontal disease is a primary cause of tooth loss. Although early gum disease, which is called gingivitis, can usually be reversed through an increase in personal dental hygiene. Once the condition has progressed, additional measures may be necessary.

Periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease, is characterized by deep pockets or spaces that develop between the teeth and the gums. These pockets provide areas in which bacteria and plaque can accumulate. 

As the bacteria build up in the pockets, the gums may become infected. Additionally, since the pockets may be deep enough to transport the bacteria to the jawbone, the infection can spread to the bone, damaging the bone tissue and causing tooth loss.

To help the gums heal from periodontitis, the dentist may perform a scaling and root planing procedure. During the service, the dentist scrapes tartar and plaque from below the gum line. In addition, the roots of the teeth are smoothed to allow the gum tissue to properly reattach and to eliminate gingival inflammation.

Root Canal Procedure

If one of your teeth becomes infected or inflamed, a root canal procedure may be able to help salvage the tooth. An infection within a tooth can cause the pulp, or innermost layer of a tooth, to become inflamed. Since the dental nerves are located in the pulp, the inflammation can result in an excruciating toothache. 

In some cases, even if the infection is eliminated with antibiotics, the dental nerves have already suffered irreparable damage from the inflammation. As a result, to eliminate your discomfort and save your tooth, your dentist may suggest a root canal procedure. 

During the dental service, the dentist drills a hole in the tooth to remove the damaged pulp. After the pulp has been extracted from the tooth, the dentist cleans the interior of the tooth and fills the hollow space with a suitable filling material. The tooth is then covered by a dental crown. 

Without a root canal procedure, the only option to eliminate the discomfort of the inflamed tooth would be a dental extraction.

If you would like to learn more about dental services that can help you avoid tooth loss, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your local area.
