Preserving The Whiteness Of Your Teeth

9 November 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Many people whiten their teeth. Professional whitening sessions are available to improve the color of the tooth enamel, but consumers can also whiten their teeth at home using over-the-counter teeth-whitening kits. 

Products that are used to whiten the tooth enamel often include peroxide, a bleaching agent. The peroxide helps remove food-based discoloration to reveal a whiter tooth material. Nevertheless, the results from a chemical teeth-whitening application are not permanent. 

As you consume pigmented foods and drinks, the colorants may again become trapped in the pores of the tooth material. Over time, the pigment particles accumulate as they did before, leading to more dental discoloration.

Still, there are measures that you can take to help you preserve the whiteness of your teeth. Here are some of them. 

Rinse With Water After Eating

Although avoiding deeply colored foods can certainly limit the amount of discoloration that your teeth incur, many highly pigmented foods are beneficial to your health. Colored vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and minerals that are good for your body.

Rather than avoiding all of the foods and drinks that could stain your teeth, consider diluting the colorants before they settle in the pores of your tooth enamel. Immediately after eating or drinking a deeply colored item, rinse your mouth with water. The water dilutes the pigments, weakening their ability to color your teeth. Additionally, vigorous rinsing can help flush particles of food and plaque from the interdental spaces.

Chew Whitening Gum

Whitening gum can also aid in keeping your teeth whiter. The gum does not actually whiten the teeth significantly, but it does help prevent new stains from forming. 

Whitening gum includes polishers, such as titanium oxide. As you chew, these mildly abrasive ingredients help polish away stains before they settle in the enamel.

As a bonus, whitening gum offers additional benefits by sticking to plaque and pulling it from the dental surfaces. The chewing also promotes the release of saliva to help neutralize bacterial acids. 

Brush With Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste often includes many of the same ingredients found in whitening chewing gum. The paste gently polishes the discoloring particles of pigment from the teeth. 

Whitening toothpaste is also usually fluoridated so it can help keep your teeth healthy as it promotes the release of newly deposited stains.

To learn more ways to keep your teeth their whitest, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your local area.
