What To Know About Your Baby's First Dentist Appointment

22 December 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Your kid's teeth are extremely important to their overall health. This is obviously true for older kids who can talk and chew their food, but you may be surprised to know that dental health is also crucial for babies. If you have a young child, do you know when you are supposed to start taking them to the dentist? If so, what can you expect from their first dental visits? In an effort to help keep your kid's teeth healthy and strong, here are a few details you may want to heed about early pediatric dental care. 

Their First Visit

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry encourages parents to get their child an appointment with a pediatric dentist no later than their first birthday, or within 6 months of cutting their first tooth. However, dentists in your area may prefer not to see your child until the appointment will go a little more smoothly, around the time they are two. Talk to a local pediatric dentist near you for a specific timeline. 

At-Home Tips

One of the best reasons to see a pediatric dentist is to get personalized tips for your child's dental health. For example, your dentist may notice that your baby has some decay that looks like they have been falling asleep with milk in their mouth. The sugars in milk should be washed away with water or brushing before they go to bed to avoid this decay. Other tips they may offer include but are not limited to: limiting pacifier use, as it can alter your child's bite, tips on how to brush more efficiently, or providing your baby comfort while teething.

Preparing Your Child

It can be hard to prepare your child for their first dental visit. There are many books available that show what happens in a dentist's office and make it less scary. You may also want to practice going to a dentist with your kids with pretend play, and looking in their mouth or letting them look in yours. This can help the whole experience to not feel so foreign and odd. Be sure to discuss what is going to happen, and bring a comfort object to help your child feel safe. 

In conclusion, find a pediatric dentist in your area who can provide your children with great care. Their first few visits may be a little rough since it is such a new experience, but they will improve over time, and your child will grow up with healthy teeth.
