4 Problems That Can Send You To The Dentist's Office

8 September 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Routine teeth cleanings are one of the keys to healthy teeth. Most people should visit their dentist for check-ups twice a year, although some people can benefit from dental appointments every four months instead. Still, you may occasionally require additional dental appointments if issues continue to arise. You should make an appointment with your dentist if you notice any of these four problems:

1. Jaw Pain

Jaw pain can have a number of causes, most of which can be diagnosed by a dentist. Tooth infections can manifest as jaw pain. The treatment for a tooth infection is usually a course of antibiotics and a root canal. Jaw pain can also be caused by bruxism, also known as teeth grinding. If bruxism is your issue, your dentist can create a mouthguard for you to wear at night. Jaw pain can also be caused by TMJ disorder. Mouthguards can be used to treat TMJ disorder. In some cases, dentists will recommend that patients get Botox injections in their TMJ to relieve their pain.

2. Snoring

Snoring may not sound like a dental problem, but heavy amounts of it can be a sign of sleep apnea. Dentists can use oral appliance therapy to treat sleep apnea. The devices used for oral appliance therapy are similar to the mouthguards used to treat bruxism, although they have a slightly different construction. Mandibular advancement devices are used to reposition a patient's jaw while they sleep, which allows air to flow freely in and out of their lungs.

3. Tooth Pain

Tooth pain rarely resolves on its own. It's usually a symptom of tooth decay, which must be treated by a dentist. Call your dentist for an emergency appointment if you develop any type of tooth pain that does not subside within a few seconds of its genesis.

4. Bleeding Gums

People who don't floss regularly may find that their gums bleed on rare occasions when they do floss. However, it's never normal for your gums to bleed regularly. Bleeding gums are usually a sign of gum disease, which should be evaluated by your dentist. Mild cases of gingivitis can be treated with improved oral hygiene. Your dentist may suggest that you use antiseptic mouthwash in addition to flossing daily. If your dentist discovers that you have periodontitis, you may need to schedule a root planning procedure. This procedure can help you heal from serious gum infections that might otherwise threaten the health of your teeth.

For more information, contact a local dentist near you.
