3 Times to Talk to Your Dentist About Getting Dental Implants

22 November 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

You've probably seen commercials for dental implants on television or maybe you know someone who has implants. You may wonder if implants are right for you and when it's a good time to consider getting them. An implant dentist can advise you on whether implants are a good option for you, and there's a good chance they are since you can have implants at any adult age. Here are times to consider getting one or more implants.

1. To Replace A Decayed Tooth

If you have a cavity that's advanced to the point where it can't be filled because there isn't enough healthy enamel to hold the filling, your dentist might discuss whether you want a root canal or an implant. Both of these options utilize the same type of crown, so your new tooth will look the same either way.

The difference between getting a root canal and an implant is what happens underneath the gum. A root canal involves scraping out the infected material in your tooth under your gum and then topping your old tooth with a crown. An implant involves removing your old tooth and root so the dentist can put an implant in your bone and top it with a crown. An implant is a good substitute for a natural tooth. However, you'll usually pay more for an implant than you would a root canal.

2. To Replace A Missing Tooth

If you had a tooth pulled years ago, or if you're thinking of having one pulled soon, talk to your dentist about filling the gap with an implant. The problem with a missing tooth is that the other teeth shift once there is a gap between the teeth. This could cause a change in the appearance of your teeth that you might not like. Plus, it might make it difficult to eat certain foods if your teeth aren't straight and positioned properly.

A more important concern about missing teeth is that they are usually accompanied by bone loss. When the bone starts shrinking, your face may take on a sunken appearance that makes you look old. An implant fills the gap between your teeth and helps preserve bone, so if you ever need a tooth pulled, consider having an implant put in to replace it.

3. To Put An End To Frustrating Dentures

If you're thinking of getting dentures, you might want implants instead. If you've had dentures for some time, but you're frustrated with them due to all the problems they cause, then getting implants might make a big difference in your satisfaction.

Dental implants hold dentures securely in place so there is no problem with them falling out when you least expect it. This makes it possible to eat a varied diet and implants also help with speech problems and soreness that can accompany dentures that don't fit well.

You can get implants that replace some or all of your teeth permanently, or you can get snap-on dentures that attach to implants but still need to be taken out to be cleaned regularly.
