How Can Dentists Change Your Teeth Using Cosmetic Dental Services?

5 May 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Modern dentistry allows people to change anything they don't like about their smiles. Cosmetic dental treatments are safe, effective, and long-lasting. These are four changes that your dentist can make to your teeth through cosmetic dental services:

1. Reshape uneven or sharp teeth 

Teeth come in all different shapes and sizes. Sometimes, teeth are sharp or uneven in a way that makes people feel self-conscious. Fortunately, dentists can use the technique of tooth contouring to painlessly reshape teeth. During this procedure, your dentist will remove a small amount of tooth enamel from the surface of your teeth in order to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing, even appearance. Because tooth enamel is required to protect the inner pulp of your teeth, your dentist will be careful not to remove too much during the dental contouring process.

2. Repair damaged tooth enamel

Teeth can crack or chip unexpectedly. Biting down on a bone or certain candies, like peanut brittle, can damage your teeth. Unlike other bones in the body, teeth do not repair themselves over time. Luckily, your dentist can use composite resin to fill cracks and chips in the surface of your teeth. This process is called dental bonding, and it's similar to the technique that dentists use to treat cavities. Areas of damage that are too severe to be fixed by dental bonding can be hidden through the use of dental veneers. Dental veneers are small, tooth-shaped pieces of porcelain that can be bonded to the front of your teeth for cosmetic purposes.

3. Reduce excess gum tissue

Gum tissue is an important part of your oral anatomy, but some people have gums that are more visible due to their genes. If you're bothered by the appearance of your gums when you smile, you should know that your dentist can help by removing excess gum tissue. Gum excision surgery is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure utilizes a laser that prevents bleeding while cutting away unwanted tissue. Most people experience a fast recovery from this surgery and do not experience soreness that lasts for longer than a week.

4. Whiten dull or dingy teeth

Cosmetic dentists can offer chairside teeth whitening services. Dentists can whiten teeth several shades in a single appointment, using peroxide solutions that are more powerful than patients can find in a drugstore. Your dentist will apply a protective gel to protect your lips and gums throughout the whitening process. Teeth whitening treatments offer immediate results, so you can even have your teeth whitened right before a special event.

Contact a local cosmetic dental service to learn more. 
